In the 21st century, the pure academic type of education that the students are introduced to , is steadily paving way to a whole new type of education with a special focus to incorporate three major genres of education: Reasoning, psychomotor and emotional learning.
To fulfil these objectives, there is a prime need of striking a balance between syllabus, curriculum, books and also co – curricular activities beyond that. They actually complement the curricular activities and groom the students in the “Art of Living and working together”.
A Chinese proverb very aptly states, “Teach me, and I will forget. Show me, and I might remember, involve me and I will never forget.”
This day is celebrated to educate the students about the importance of the environment. A speech competition and a poster making competition are held for the students. World Environment Day is for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. The event has grown to become a global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated in over 100 countries. The main aim of organising this event was to sensitise these young minds to the problems emerging with regards to the environment.
The main aim of this rally was to spread the awareness among the common people about the impact that trees have on our life. The cutting down of trees is rampant in this modern world. The concrete jungle is increasing at a high rate. Cutting trees can result in the loss of habitat for animal species, which can harm ecosystems. According to National Geographic, “70 percent of Earth’s land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes.” If the plants and animals do not survive the ecological balance will be disturbed and will have an adverse impact on the life of human beings. Thus to promote planting of trees this rally was organised.
Yoga is an old discipline from India. It is both spiritual and physical. Yoga uses breathing techniques, exercise and meditation. The International Day of Yoga aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga. Our very own Shree Narendra Modiji himself practices and promotes yoga. He said in his speech “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with you, the world and the nature.” The College authorities grabbed this opportunity and decided to organise a yoga session on this day. The session aimed at teaching the different aasans to the students and the importance of those aasans.

The Father’s Day is celebrated across the world with the objective of realising and honouring the contribution of fathers in the society. It is a day which celebrates the fatherhood, paternal bonds and the efforts of male towards their family and society. The father is the silent pillar in the house, hence this day was celebrated in College so that the students develop and attitude of gratitude not only towards their mothers but also their fathers.

World Population day is an annual event, observed on July 11 every year, which seeks to raise awareness of Global Population issues. The event was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989. This day was observed in College to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues, as India is the 2nd largest populated country and soon to secure the first position. The students being the future generation need to know the pros and cons of population explosion.

Guru Purnima is also known as Vyasa Purnima, as it is believed that on this day VEd Vyasa – the author of Mahabharata was born. This festival commemorates the goodness of spiritual gurus and teachers, as thousands of devotees worship and thanks their gurus for enlightenment. This celebration aimed at making the students aware of the efforts put in by each teacher and to pay respect to their teachers.

During rainy season the umbrella plays a crucial role. Thus to organise a fun activity at such a time and to enhance the creativity of the students a Umbrella painting competition was organised. This event was held in groups, thus this event also boasted team spirit. The students together brain stormed for ideas and worked together to achieve their target.

Manas College of Commerce celebrated the true spirit of patriotism with style. The Tri – Colour theme was reflected in the students’ attire. This day was observed to inculcate a feeling of patriotism among the students and also evolve a spirit of unity among them.

Teachers’ day is a special day for the appreciation of teachers, and may include celebrations to honour them for their special contribution in a particular field, or in a community in general. In India the birthday of the second President, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan is celebrated as Teacher’s day. The college celebrates this occasion to mark the special and continuous efforts put by the teachers to mould their students. This event provides the students a platform to express their love and gratitude towards those who have taught them over the years.

The main purpose to celebrate the International Literacy Day is to encourage awareness towards literacy so that everyone can know their social and individual rights. Literacy is not the only way to get employment; however, it encourages knowing human rights so that everyone can get what they deserve. As per the 2011 census the literacy rate in India was 74.04%. India still has a long way to go to achieve their target to full literacy. Hence a small attempt was made by the students to learn and help the other learn, to grow and to help the others grow as well.

Religion in India involves varied rituals attached with numerous symbols within every particular religion. It is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Lord Ganesha who’s considered to be the god of prosperity and wisdom. The entire ambience turns lively with trendy music, drum beats, and dances of devotees. There are lights, colours, fireworks and much more to add to the festive spirit. Various artistic clay models of Lord Ganesha, varying in sizes and poses, are prepared by the artisans. Thus this competition was celebrated due to various reasons, firstly to get the students into the festive mood, then to improve their sketching skills and to celebrate the festival of Ganesh Chaturti.

Its purpose is to foster awareness among the international community of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic value. Traditional day was organised in College. This day was organised in College to make the students aware about the different cultures within the country itself and various tourist spots within the country. The objective of this event was to help the students understand the vast diversity within the country and also to make them tolerant towards each others’ culture and tradition.
The Indian Air Force was officially established on 8 October 1932 in order to increase the awareness of Indian air force in any organization of the national security both officially and publicly. The day is celebrated in air force bases all across the nation with air shows and parades conducted by air force cadets, as the Indian Air Force (IAF) has its prime responsibility of securing the Indian airspace as well as to carry out the aerial warfare during any clash. A lecture on IAF was organised to enable the students to understand the working of the IAF, its purpose and the various mission undertaken by the country. It also made the students aware about the contribution of these brave men.

The purpose of World Post Day is to create awareness of the role of the postal sector in people’s and businesses’ everyday lives and its contribution to the social and economic development of countries. Nowadays since most of the work is done on social networking sites and through e-mail, the students are not aware of post cards and the postal facilities. Hence to take them back to the times when postal sector was in great demand this competition was organised.
Garba is a form of dance which originated in the state of Gujarat in India. Many traditional garbas are performed around centrally lit lamp or a picture or statue of the Goddess Shakti. The name is derived from the Sanskrit term, ‘Garbha’ which means womb. This event was organised as a fun filled and fellowship activity for the students.

No one likes to be a victim of their hot and sweaty kitchen. Hence probably trying to cook without heat can prove to be a better solution. This event not only invokes the cooking ability of the students but also develops an attitude of sharing and caring for each other.

Days’ celebration has always been very exciting segment of college life for all the students. It includes rose day, tie day, saree day etc. Saree is perfect attire for those who want to add style and grace to their lifestyle. Sarees have always been indispensable and integral to Indian Culture. The Formals and tie day for the boys gets them into a classy attire. This celebration gives students memorable moments for lifetime which they cherish forever.
The motive of the rally was to first to remind the citizens as to what is their responsibility towards the country. The main motive was to encourage the people to vote and also vote for the right person.

According to an online source, career guidance is a developmental process that facilitates the acquisition of attitude; skills and knowledge to help students better understand themselves while exploring viable education and career options that eventually result into making informed decisions with developed plans to achieve their career aspirations. This career guidance lecture organised in college aimed at assisting the students in choosing the right career in the field of study that they have chosen.

National Science day is celebrated every year on February 28th to commemorate the discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’ by Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman. The basic objective of celebrating National Science Day is to propagate the message of importance of science and its application among the people. This day was observed in college to educate the students about the various developments that have taken place in the field of technology and also in the medical field. They were also educated about the basic precautionary measures that can be taken in case of emergencies.
The whole and sole purpose of conducting this event is to promote not only the academic development of the student but also to develop and boost the cultural as well as the sporting skills of the students. The various different events that are organised during this entire Utsav is to cater to the needs of every student and not just particularly one group of students, to not only promote a particular type of sport but to promote a variety of sports. This event ensures the holistic development of the student as it gives them a platform to showcase their talent at an intra – collegiate event.

What better event can be organised than an outing such as a picnic for the students to refresh their minds. This releases the students for sometime from the stress that they might be going through. Spending time outdoors, basking in nature, the pure leaves the students feeling rejuvenated and ready to take up different challenges. It provides a time for the students to bond and connect with each other.
The word fresher’s party itself points towards ‘Fresher’s i.e. the event organised for the fresher’s. The purpose of organising this event is to provide a warm welcome to the students to this new phase of life, to avoid social evils, to encourage and boost their creativity and confidence the purpose of merging the event with Pratham College is to create a bonding between the 2 colleges at the very root, which can prove to be beneficial for the further activities. The College also aims to provide the students a stage at the very beginning to showcase their talent.

The street play was performed during the time when Our Dear Prime Minister had declared a band on plastic. The aim behind starting this movement was to take into consideration the deteriorating environment and the ill – effects it has on human beings and the species in the environment. The purpose was to promote this idea in most of the areas in Borivali and Kandivali. The events were organised in Akurli road, Kandivali east, Damunagar, Damunagar Mahindra Compound, Laxmi nagar near Raj school, police choki no. 03, bhim nagar, bus depot damunagar.
This is among another major event that is held in College. The aim of this event is to teach the students how to conduct business. This event basically sows the seeds of conducting business. Along with learning it is also a fun – filled activity. The teachers guide the students as to how to go about with the idea, how to decide the product to be sold, what should be the cost, the advertising medium, the promotional offers, etc. All these skills is developed by the students.

Making good mates is important, but sometimes trying to fit in with a group can turn sour. Wanting to feel part of something can put pressure on you to act in certain ways. If you’re doing something you wouldn’t normally do, or are not doing something you’d like to do, simply so that you’ll be accepted by the people you hang out with, you’re suffering from peer pressure. The age group that is vulnerable most to peer pressure is the adolescents. Hence the lecture was conducted to help the students discern between the pros and cons of Peer Pressure.

There is a positive and negative impact of social media on society. Social media has revolutionised the way people communicate and socialise on the web. Unfortunately the Social networking sites are used for the wrong reason. The youth find this as a platform where they feel they might be socially accepted. Hence it is extremely important and necessary to teach or guide the students in making the correct choices and decisions when it comes to social media.
This was organised as a fun – filled activity for the students wherein they distribute roses to their special group of friends. This event mainly focused on asking the students to look out for the good qualities in their friends and praise or appreciate them for the same.